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Laurie James has never believed in love at first sight. One night, on her way home from work, this changes. Through her bus window, Laurie sees a man sitting at a bus stop. They lock eyes with each other, and she feels something she never has before- but there’s nothing to be done about it. Before she knows it, the bus is pulling away from the stop.
Laurie spends the entire next year searching and hoping to find this man, with help from her best friend and roommate, Sarah. She never finds the man she believes to have fallen in love with, that is, until Sarah introduces Laurie to her new boyfriend, Jack, at their Christmas party the following year.
After deciding not to tell Sarah Jack is the man from the bus stop, Laurie must learn to live with the consequences. We follow this love triangle for the next decade, experiencing deep friendship, love, loss, regret, and paths not taken.
Does Jack recognize Laurie, too? Will Laurie ever be able to move forward from this and find another true love?
Gosh, what to say about this book? I originally read it two years ago while visiting my parents for Christmas. I fell in love with it almost immediately and, like Laurie, spent the next year trying to find any book that could match its beauty. Though some came close, nothing quite reached the mark. This year, I decided I wanted to reread it. I went with the audiobook this time around and absolutely adored it. The characters all sound exactly as I imagined when I read it the first time!
The characters in this novel are so relatable. We may like to think of ourselves as perfect and question Laurie’s actions, but what would we really have done in this impossible situation? Josie Silver did such an excellent job of portraying the deep emotional turmoil unfortunate situations like this can cause.
“One Day in December” has a thick plot and depth, unlike any other Christmas romance I have read. It was a joy journeying through an entire decade with these characters and watching fate shift their lives every which way.
If I were to recommend just one book to read this Christmas, it would be “One Day in December” without a shadow of a doubt! Get yourself a copy of this book as an early Christmas present, you won’t regret it!
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